
Wednesday 17 June 2015

How to Motivate Yourself while Blogging if you are feeling Demotivated?

How to Motivate Yourself while Blogging if you are feeling Demotivated - BloggingFunda

Everyone is blogging but few are successful out of a huge crowd of bloggers.

Do you know why?

I guess you don't know because you did not try to think about.

But, for me this is a simple question to answer and a blogger must know about this.

Let me ask you this simple question, so that you can think and give answer.

If you find out or already know about the answer,

you can use the comment system to respond, but if you don't know then no need to worry or shy, I am here to answer for that. 

You just need to question me through the comment system of this blog.

Here comes the question:-

Is motivation required to keep continue blogging journey? 

I guess that most of bloggers are inspire with at least one of the thing before starting their blog.

What do you think, am I right on this guess?

You can tell me about the start of your blogging journey and share your wonderful moments when or why you started blogging.

What you are getting out of your blogging?

  • Some kind of satisfaction
  • It is a monetary reason
  • Professionalism etc.
As per my opinion, every bloggers is getting as per their own desire and ever trying to get whatever they wanted to get out of their blogging.

Now the question arises, 

Is motivation required for blogging?

Yes, it is required by all the bloggers, because sometimes due to several factors, blogger feels demotivated.

And if you don't realize this then your blogging journey may ends.

But, this is common phase of the blogging life and most of the bloggers need motivation to continue their blogging journey.
This is not a dialogue I am writing here, but a real truth and I personally know few bloggers who had left blogging career after spending 3-4 years.
A Blogging Giant +Harsh Agrawal already written a post on motivate yourself and you all must read that post to understand why you started blogging.

Blogging Mistakes - Bloggers feel Demotivated over time - BloggingFunda

Blogging Mistakes - Bloggers feel Demotivated over time, why?

There are some blogging mistakes, due to these mistakes, several bloggers feel demotivated even after a long blogging journey they have already completed.

Setting up high aim in life is good and same applies in blogging as well.

But, if you are over thinking about success or failure without getting down to the water of ocean, you can not judge the depth or the level of the water.

Blogging is just like an ocean of knowledge and it must be started from scratch.

If you do not understand anything about blogging fundamentals, then how can you write advanced blogging concepts.

So keep in mind that you are also a blogger and there should be some basic start up while blogging.

Do not worry if there are 100 or 1000s of similar topics already written, you just write whatever you think or know about that particular topic.

6 Points to remember before starting a Blog

  1. Start from Basics of Blogging
  2. Write on How to setup a blog
  3. How to Increase your Blog Traffic?
  4. What is Search Engine Optimization?
  5. What is the benefit of Google+ Communities?
  6. How to Monetize your Blog?
Above 6 points are must have to keep in mind before starting a blog.

What are blogging mistakes?

There could be N numbers of mistakes while starting a blog or blogging. But I have selected the most dangerous problems, which may leave you alone in the crowd of bloggers.
  • Wrong selection of your blog niche
  • Unable to differentiate Quality and High Quality content
  • You do not engage with your readers
  • You don't responding on your blog comments
  • Wrong way to promote your blog on social media
The above 5 are major mistakes while blogging and every blogger must take care with utmost care to stay in blogosphere for a long time.
If you want a complete list of mistakes while blogging then you must read 20 mistakes bloggers are still making, a post by David Aston.

But don't worry, if you have already committed these mistakes while your blogging journey, then too you can remove these by first motivating yourself and then correcting your mistakes.

If you have already started your blogging career and you are feeling demotivated, then I think you need to follow some motivational points to be motivated every time.
Top 10 Motivational Quotes - BloggingFunda

Top 10 Motivational Quotes for Blogging Success:-

BloggingSuccess - These are motivational quotes best suited for blogging. Your blogging success depends only on your thoughts. The better you think, the best reward you will receive. So be positive and keep these points in mind while blogging.
  1. First of all Believe in yourself
  2. Do not copy, Be original 
  3. Don not let others ruin your day
  4. All great achievements require Time
  5. Don't think out of the Box, if you are a new blogger
  6. Don't mix technology with personal writeup
  7. Don't afraid of criticism, its a step of your success
  8. If you want to win the game, you have to be in the game
  9. Be creative and never give up
  10. Always remember that Success is not final and Failure is not fatal, you can change everything you want to change
The above BloggingTips are prepared by BloggingFunda - A Community of Bloggers.


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  1. thit article is good n i like

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  2. Replies
    1. Thanks +Ismail teknisi for this like and I hope it will help you and other bloggers in achieving the blogging success
