
Tuesday, 10 November 2015

How to find the Targeted Audience for your Blog?

How to find target audience if you are doing business and want high conversion rate with low traffic. Read this small but very helpful eGuide created by BloggingFunda - A Community of Bloggers

Are you a passionate blogger?

Don't worry, I am not going to start a questionnaire here.

My purpose of asking this question to you is that if you are blogging with passion then only you can take benefit from this post.

If you are a passionate blogger, then you must know the answer because your blogging success depends on the answer.

In blogging, 

what is more important for you, traffic or conversion?

for example:-

If you get 10,000 unique visitors from an ordinary site and 1000 from any prominent marketing or an authority site, which one is going to be better for blogging or business?

If you are in the page view business, then it is good otherwise you need only prominent or authority website visitors on your blog or website to generate sales.

"In marketing, conversions take place when targeted traffic meets relevant offer on the site."Mohinder Paul Verma

It all starts with knowing who is your target audience and what they need or want.

"The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself."
-Peter Drucker, influential business thinker of the 20th century
If you want to increase conversions or sales or leads, first you have to figure out your primary target audience.

Secondly, what they want, what matters to them and what are the sources of friction for them comes next.

"Don't shoot in the dark if you want to hit the target."Mohinder Paul Verma

How to identify your targeted audience in blogging?

There are several ways to identify targeted audience but you have to be very careful while doing your research.

Your conversion or sales depends on the accurate information you will collect before showing your product to your audience.

  • Who are your audience
  • Research on audience taste
  • What product they need help
  • How to compare products
  • What they want

... and so on. It is all about the relevancy of what you offer and how you present your product.

If you match these wisely, you will gain customers, sales, leads and conversions too.

"The best way to find your targeted audience is to dig each milestone with assumptions you have in your mind. " -Mohinder Paul Verma

7 Best Ways to Find Your Target Audience

There are several ways to find targeted audience for your blog or any business conversion but I am pointing out only 7 best ways.

  1. Notify writing schedule of others
  2. Read more about current problematic topics and respective solutions
  3. Think beyond the already written topics to write again with expanded or detailed content
  4. Regularly comment on other's topics with your queries or suggestions
  5. Engage with your audience on regular basis to make them loyal readers
  6. Use social media wisely to publish or get information published by others
  7. Follow your readers activity/strategy on social media to capture the consistency or posting, updating content and their comments on other readers

Above 7 ways are best in finding the target audience. 

If you are following step by step instructions, I am sure you are soon going to rock your blog with high conversion.

Apart from the above 7 ways, you can try one more step to find the target audience:-

Survey your readers for Better Engagement

If you already have readers/customers, the best thing you can do is to survey them about your content or product. 

This will clear the doubt about what you want is to get in the heads of your customers, learn why and how they buy your product etc.

If you still think that I have left something which is most important for finding target audience, you can then share your valuable feedback.

And if you liked this small but very useful guide to find target audience, then you can also subscribe to our email list below:-

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